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Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20011 Families and children with disabilities Coping strategies and empowerment.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20011 Families and children with disabilities Coping strategies and empowerment."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20011 Families and children with disabilities Coping strategies and empowerment

2 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20012 We are...? From practice to theory to practice Families move and change Parents and professionals Family systems framework Challenges and Empowerment Working for Change From Marginalization to Inclusion

3 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20013 Deffinitions of Kompetence Com= med og petere= at stræbe samen med (andre) Compete = konkurrere at stræbe samen efter samme udelelige gode Competence= overenstemmelse mellem en stillet opgave og evnerne hos den person, der er sat til at löse opgaven. Kompetence er modbegreb til Kvalifikation Kvalifikation innebærer at udföre en veldefineret opgave paa en veldefineret maade Kompetence innebærer mere ubestemmelige disposition hos en person, der sætter ham eller hende I stand til at löse en opgave, der netop ikke er veldefineret, hverken som maal eller som fremgangsmaade, ja som maaske slet ikke har foreligget för. (B. Karpatschof Psyke & Logos 1998, 19. pp 353-354 )

4 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20014 From practice to theory to practice From the Medical model to the Social model of Disability

5 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20015 Families move and change Different needs different challenges and coping mechanisms Birth child 1 - 2-3 Teenage 1-2-3- Leave home grandchild 1-2-3 Senior Citizents Death of husband of wife Courtship-Marriage Aging parents To be acknowledged To participare To include --Work--

6 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20016 Parents and professionals Unequal power relationships? Parents: Professionals: as clients as experts as paraprofessionals as transplanters as consumers as service providors as depowered as empowering as negotiators as negotiators

7 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20017 Family systems framework Partnership = an agreement and a degree of choice Supports = Doing what it takes Continual Coping = to minimise (public) discomfort Empowerment =increasing control ower ones life and taking action to get what one wants

8 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20018 Challenges and Empowerment It is not just individual challenge a family challenge a special educators challenge

9 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 20019 Working for Change schools systems communities

10 Dóra Bjarnason DPU 2.Oct 200110 From Marginalization to Inclusion

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