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Kapitel 5 kilder til innovation

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1 Kapitel 5 kilder til innovation

2 Kilder til innovation Drucker lister :

3 : Et eksempel på den uventede er udviklingen af ​​Nutrasweet.
En kemiker udviklet et nyt kemisk stof. Tilfældigvis fik han noget af det i munden. Til hans overraskelse det smagte meget sød. Dette var starten på en udviklingsbane, der tog mange år, før Nutrasweet blev indført af Searle på markedet.

4 1. Det uventede der sker noget man ikke regnede med
eksempel mikrobølgeovne Effekter man ikke udviklede efter Antabus

5 2. Incongruities - uoverensstemmelser
Der er ubalance i systemerne

6 3.Processer Ændrede processer giver nye muligheder

7 : Industri markeder og markedsstruktur kan tilbyde mulighed har for nye typer af tjenester. Nye brancher – branche glidning

8 4. Industri og markedsstrukturen
Ændrede forhold der påvirker den måde vi arbejder på. Se på gamle kølehuse Større eller mindre spillere Evne til bedre tilpasning

9 5. Demografi Baby boomerne er på vej på pension
Tyskere sender deres ældre på plejehjem i Polen Japan har lignende ideer – men på Hawaii Kamp om unge medarbejder – kamp om ældre medarbejdere

10 6.Ændringer i opfattelse
hvad kan man tillade sig kan man servere instant kaffe til svigermor er det ok at servere færdigretter må man ……. er det ok at ….. skal man have ……

11 7. Ny viden nano teknologi individuel medicin

12 Kreativitet “creativity (derived from creative, from English. creative, from Lat. creare 'create'), colloquially a loose term for man's ability to create something new, surprising unprecedented. The word originally used on solutions to problems of scientific and technical in nature, but is now used widely on artistic performance, athletic performance, innovation in economics and business, and even also about lifestyle.”(Lund 2003)

13 Kreativitet hvad mener vi – husk vores diskussion er det
De Bono´s 6 hatte brainstorm er det ”Den Kreative Platform” er det metoder – eller er det evner er det Triz

14 Opdeling af kreativitet
Theories of Creativity Performance Product Manifest, unambiguously creative behavior Persuasion Potential Personality Yet-unfulfilled possibilities and subjective processes Places Opdeling af kreativitet

15 Må det forsvinde i proces

16 Person og proces perspektiv
Creativity: A Systems Model Puccio and Cabra (Kaufman, Sternberg 2010) Product (e.g., theories solutions to problems, ideas, services, inventions etc.) Creative Change (e.g. social change, personal change, innovation, etc.) Leadership Interaction lead to Adoption leads to Person Process

17 Napier og Nelsson Diciplined Process Out of Dicipline Thinking Places
Mastery: Within Disciplin Knowledge Places (where) Faces (who) Faces At least three types of roles or faces are important within organizations seeking to be innovative: creative entrepreneurs, creative leaders, and creative team members. These roles might shift across different people over time, but embody tasks that need to happen within creative organizations.(Napier, Nilsson 2008) Creative teams differ from some work teams in that their motivation may be contrary to what economists might predict. Some creative team members are motivated less by financial gain than by other factors. Typically, they are curious about and want to solve a problem, but not just “any” problem will do It needs to be “worthy” –of the group’s time, effort, and mental and emotional investment. Groups that have achieved extraordinary and sometimes unrepeatable outcomes focus on such projects that mattered. It has matter to them, and to some community beyond themselves. (Napier, Nilsson 2008) Places How does the interior layout influence the way innovation and creativity flows? It is what has previously been hinted at in Kolinds´ book about Oticon and the spaghetti organization, an organization without offices - only open spaces and workers moving around when changing from one project to another. Trace Is defined as the possibility to work on your ideas – it is furthered by the practice within the organization, the culture and how it works together. Practice is viewd as fit, expectations and recognition. Culture, that you acknowledge that innovation and creativity is not centered around a few but is grounded withing the organization. Trace Elements (catalysts)

18 Former for samarbejde Star collaboration: Someone is the central point from which the creative activity begins and through which collaboration takes place, like a theatre director. Pyramid collaboration: There is someone who, like the coach of a football team, coordinates and reviews ideas coming from lower levels of the organization. Amoeba collaboration: A fluid collaboration approach emerges, where dispersed sources, and run across the organization. Dispersed sources, and run across the organization. Fireworks collaboration: There are sparks of creativity and multiple bursts of ideas that land in different places of the organization; this creative explosion and collaboration lets small ideas have a chance to grow. (Napier, Nilsson 2008)

19 Group genius - Sawyer Det hedder Bells´Laboratories
Bemærk det er i flertal – så der må være flere der arbejder end Bell det er grupper der arbejder sammen det er ikke individder Obama: If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That

20 Netværk Sarasvathy om iværksætteri Processen er Hvem er du Hvad kan du
Hvem kender du Hvor meget har du råd til at tabe Formål at bygge den bedste virksomhed – Du kan bygge lige nu for husk du skal lave flere

21 Hvis vi skal køre i Elbiler
Hvordan skal vi så få det op at stå Med verdens bedste forretningsplan Med netværk

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