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Stx engelsk A 6 december 2011.

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1 Stx engelsk A 6 december 2011

2 A1 Politicians should give more consideration to the millions of people which they represent
Politicians should give more consideration to the millions of people whom they represent Forklaring: forkert henførende stedord Når det henførende stedord står som et andet led end grundled, bruges formen whom om person (hvis der på dansk kun kan bruges som og ikke der bruges whom på engelsk)

3 A2 He is tremenduous fond of reading and writing but rarely finds the time to pursue his hobby.
He is tremenduously fond of reading and writing but rarely finds the time to pursue his hobby. Forklaring: ordklassefejl. Da det ord, der beskrives er fond – og det er et adjektiv/tillægsord, skal der bruges et adverbium/biord. Tremenduous = tillægsord, som kun kan beskrive navneord

4 A3 They normally fulfilled their childrens’ wishes, but in this particular case they had to say no.
Forklaring: ejefalds-fejl. Apostroffen er sat det forkerte sted, idet child bøjes uregelmæssigt i flertal, og det da hedder children, skal apostoffen flyttes til umiddelbart efter n’ s

5 A4 Health officials warn that anyone who look directly at the sun during an eclipse my put his sight at risk. Health officials warn that anyone who looks directly at the sun during an eclipse my put his sight at risk. Forklaring: kongruensfejl. Anyone opfattes som 3 .person ental, derfor skal s tilføjes til udsagnsordet.

6 A5 The novel is about a man which 90th birthday is approaching
The novel is about a man whose 90th birthday is approaching Forklaring: forkert henførende stedord: whose = hvis, altså ejefaldsformen

7 Forklaring: forholdsord (about) må IKKE følges af that
A6 In Obama’s ”State of the Union Address” no American was left in doubt about that the USA has suffered another Sputnik shock A6 In Obama’s ”State of the Union Address” no American was left doubt that the USA has suffered another Sputnik shock Forklaring: forholdsord (about) må IKKE følges af that

8 A7 If the ice cap melts, even London cannot avoid to be flooded due to rising tides.
If the ice cap melts, even London cannot avoid being flooded due to rising tides. Forklaring: avoid udløser en -ingform

9 A8 In Obama’s ”State of the Union Address” no American was left in doubt about that the USA has suffered another Sputnik shock In Obama’s ”State of the Union Address” no American was left in doubt about the fact/ --- that the USA has suffered another Sputnik shock Forklaring: På engelsk har man ikke forholdsord + at (about that). Dette kan løses på følgende måder: Udelad forholdsordet (her about) Indsæt the fact mellem forholdsord og that (her doubt about the fact that…)

10 A7 If the ice cap melts, even London cannot avoid to be flooded due to rising tides.
If the ice cap melts, even London cannot avoid being flooded due to rising tides. Forklaring: avoid udløser en -ingform

11 B Hvilke typer verber/udsagnsord er der tale om? Mådeudsagnsord / modalverber – de tilføjer ikke –s i 3. person ental og mangler også nogle former 1. May cause an interruption: ”kan måske forårsage.. – der er en mulighed for at afbrydelsen sker 2. You may use water : Man må bruge – altså man har tilladelse

12 B 3. .. but it must be boiled: ”men det skal koges” – must angiver nødvendighed 4. Central heating systems can continue to be used at moderate temperatures: ”kan fortsætte med at blive brugt” 5.The mail will be flushed before…”vil blive” – om det fremtidige

13 C – stilistisk analyse Our fight is not with the Iraqi people, nor is it with members of the Iraqi army who choose to surrender. While we will move swiftly and aggressively against those who resist, we will treat all others with decency, demonstrating chivalry and soldierly compassion for people who have endurred a lifetime under Saddaam’s oppression. Chemical attack, treachery, and use of the innocent as human shields can be expected, as can other unethical tactics. Take it all in stride. Be the hunter, not the hunted: never allow your unit to be caught with its guard down. Use good judgement and act in the best interests of the Nation.

14 C- stilistisk analyse You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon. Share your courage with each other as we enter the uncertain terrain north of the Line of Departure. Keep faith in your comrades on your left and right and Marine Air overhead. Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit. For the mission’s sake, our country’s sake, and the sake of the men who carried the Division’s colors in past battles – who fought for life and never lost their nerve – carry out your mission and keep your honor clean. Deonstrate to the world that there is ”No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy” that a U.S. Marine.

15 C Det er tydeligvis meningen, at Marinekorpset skal opildnes og informeres om, det de kan møde, inden de sendes ind i Irak. Dette gøres både ved, at General Mattis gør brug af retoriske virkemidler, så de elementer, der skal slås ekstra godt fast, tilsættes lidt retorisk krydderi. Epifor: gentagelse af samme ord i slutningen af en sætning: For the mission’s sake, our country’s sake, and the sake of the men Gentagelse: engage your brain before you engage your weapon. Alitteration: happy heart and strong spirit. Kontrast/anti-tese: No Better Friend, No Worse enemy - hvor better er en modsætning af worse, og friend en modsætning af enemy

16 C Kontraster: optræder flere steder, f.eks:
Be the hunter, not the hunted – også i sammenligningen mellem de der modsætter sig, som ”we will move swiftly and aggressively against” og andre, som vil blive behandlet med ”decency” Metaforer: der findes nogle nærmest stivnede metaforer, som tydeligvis er del af militærsprog: ” take it all in stride” – (stride= skridt – take it all in stride = klare noget let) ”never allow your unit to be caught with its guard down”, ”be the hunter, not the hunted”

17 C Derudover ser vi, at der i stor stil appelleres til soldaternes følelser (patos) – ved f.eks. at nævne, at der kæmpes for fædrelandet og de, der er faldne. Ved at nævne Saddaam Husseins undertrykkelse appelleres der også til tilhørernes fornuft (logos)– det er kun oprørerne, soldaterne går efter – vi når nærmest en retfærdiggørelse af deres tilstedeværelse i Iraq. Soldaterne skal også bruge deres sunde dømmekraft. Generalen henvender sig til soldaterne med at bruge det possessive pronomen/ejestedordet ‘our’ – for at vise, at marinesoldaterne ikke er alene – men kæmper alles kamp. De er del af verdens mest frygtede og tilllidsvækkende styrke – og man tilskyndes til at tro hans ord (etos) Marinekorpset = No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy” – hvor de store bogstaver giver indtryk af højere begreber eller et motto.

18 C Der bruges et væld af bydemåder i anden, tredje og sidste afsnit –teksten for derved en lettere kommanderende tone. (take it.. Be the hunter, never allow, share your courage..) Stillejet er relativt højt – tonefaldet højtideligt. Dette bygges på, at der både er hoved- og bisætninger, lange sætninger – og eksempler på forvægt (ll ll. 2-5) – hvilket vil sige, at der er tunge led placeret først i sætningen og hvilken gør stilen mere formel.

19 D - oversættelse 1a. Matt Groening er den amerikanske skaber af tegnefilmene om familien Simpson. 1b. Matt Groening is the American creator of the cartoons on/about the Simpsons 2a. Seriens hovedperson er Homer, familiens overhoved 2b. The main character of the series is Homer, the head of the family.

20 D 3a. Homer har sagt mange væsentlige ting, for eksempel: ”Intet problem er så stort, at man ikke kan ignorere det.” 3b. Homer has said many important things e.g., ”No problem is so big that that you can’t ignore it”

21 D 4a. Sætningen virker uansvarlig, men på den anden side er livet for kort og værdifuldt til, at vi kan bekymre os om ting, vi ikke har indflydelse på. 4b The sentence seems irresponsible, but on the other hand life is too short and valuable to worry about things which we don’t have any influence on/on which we do not have any influence. 5a. Hvordan kan en tegneserie reflektere filosofiske ideer? 5b. How can a cartoon reflect philosophical ideas?

22 D 6a. Det skyldes, at tegnefilmen passer til vores tidsalder, hvis vigtigste træk er en fornemmelse for det absurde. 6b. It is because/It is due to the fact that the cartoon fits our age whose most important feature is a sense of the absurd.

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