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•Presentation subtitle: 20pt Arial Regular, green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum length: 2 lines •Confidentiality/date line: 13pt Arial Regular,

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1 •Presentation subtitle: 20pt Arial Regular, green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum length: 2 lines •Confidentiality/date line: 13pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side •Disclaimer information may also be appear in this area. Place flush left, aligned at bottom, 8-10pt Arial Regular, white •IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements •Presentation title: 28pt Arial Regular, white Recommended maximum length: 2 lines •Group name: 17pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Nordic Real Estate & Site Operations Nordisk Ejendomschef Ingeniør, HD, Johnny Jacobsen For client presentations, client’s logo may go in this area 1 Nyborg Strand den 28. januar 2005 Nyborg Strand den 28. januar 2005 Title slide FM organisationens involvering i strategiske beslutninger

2 FM organisationens strategiske rolle •IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. •Background should not be modified, except for quotes, which use gray background. •Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side •Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, light blue R204 | G204 | B255 Maximum length: 2 lines •Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, white Square bullet color: green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points •Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Nordic Real & Site Operations © 2005 IBM Corporation Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 2 Lokationstrategi..nemt nok !!

3 FM organisationens strategiske rolle •IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. •Background should not be modified, except for quotes, which use gray background. •Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side •Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, light blue R204 | G204 | B255 Maximum length: 2 lines •Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, white Square bullet color: green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points •Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Nordic Real & Site Operations © 2005 IBM Corporation Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 3 IBM Nordic IBM Nordic har godt 15.000 ansatte i 7 lande. > 55 lokationer + 300.000 m2 kontorer, computercentre mv. Førende IT firma - salg og service - IT i bred forstand. Strategisk outsourcing hvor IBM overtager af edb-drift for andre firmaer - On Demand. Opkøb, salg og konstant tilpasning til markedet. Text slide of legal or disclaimer information

4 FM organisationens strategiske rolle •IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. •Background should not be modified, except for quotes, which use gray background. •Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side •Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, light blue R204 | G204 | B255 Maximum length: 2 lines •Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, white Square bullet color: green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points •Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Nordic Real & Site Operations © 2005 IBM Corporation Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 4 Nordic Real Estate & Site Operation (RESO) Er IBM’s Facility management organisation. Medspiller i opkøb og SO ydelser – for at sikre at vi kender pris, omfang og kvalitet af ejendomsporteføjlen – inden disse aftaler indgås. Sikrer at IBM har de bygninger og det support-udstyr, som forretningen til enhver tid kræver. Lokations strategi. Drift uden forstyrrelser – inden for stramme budgetter med kvartalsmæssige mål. Drift strategi. Kontinuerlig minimering af arealforbrug og driftsudgifter. Outsourcet bygningsdrift og lejekontraktsadministration til Johnson Controls hhv. CB Richard Ellis.

5 FM organisationens strategiske rolle •IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. •Background should not be modified, except for quotes, which use gray background. •Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side •Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, light blue R204 | G204 | B255 Maximum length: 2 lines •Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, white Square bullet color: green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points •Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Nordic Real & Site Operations © 2005 IBM Corporation Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 5 RESO’s resultater. Nordisk budget ansvar pt. : Drift > 600 M DKK. Projekter > 200 M DKK. Arealforbrug reduceret med mere end 30 % over seneste 4 år. Konstant konsolidering. ”No nonsense”-drift af bygninger og supportudstyr – inden for stramme kvartalsbudgetter. Løbende driftsbesparelser – bidrager til fastholdelse af IBM’s konkurrenceevne. Support til mange store aftaler, opkøb og salg : PWCC, Nordea, Mærsk Data/DM Data.

6 FM organisationens strategiske rolle •IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. •Background should not be modified, except for quotes, which use gray background. •Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side •Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, light blue R204 | G204 | B255 Maximum length: 2 lines •Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, white Square bullet color: green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points •Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Nordic Real & Site Operations © 2005 IBM Corporation Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 6 Mærsk Data / DM Data Opkøbt af IBM i 2004 - for at skabe vækst & nyt stort globalt forretningsområde inden for transport og logistik. Mere end 3200 ansatte i DK. Mere end 100.000 m2. RESO deltog i tilbudsfasen. RESO deltager pt. i planlægning af implementering – ansvar på lokations- og driftstrategi. RESO implementerer lokaktionsstrategi – organisation og operation i løbet af 2005. Løbende justeringer ; nye aftaler – er allerede på vej ind.

7 FM organisationens strategiske rolle •IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. •Background should not be modified, except for quotes, which use gray background. •Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side •Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, light blue R204 | G204 | B255 Maximum length: 2 lines •Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, white Square bullet color: green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points •Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Nordic Real & Site Operations © 2005 IBM Corporation Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 7 Hvad har vi lært ? FM skal involveres i tide. ( Respekt ?! ) Tilbudsfasen er krævende – tidspresset enormt. Søg en fleksibel portefølje - On Demand. Omstillingsvillighed og -evne er meget vigtig. Åbenhed og tillid ligeså. Omstillingsvillighed og -evne er meget vigtig. Åbenhed og tillid ligeså. Overtagelse af medarbejdere og drift planlægges nøje – men gennemføres hurtigt. Nye ændringer spiller ind før vi tror - vi er konstant på rejse. Business as usual er nu forandring – ikke steady state.

8 FM organisationens strategiske rolle •IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. •Background should not be modified, except for quotes, which use gray background. •Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side •Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, light blue R204 | G204 | B255 Maximum length: 2 lines •Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, white Square bullet color: green R223 | G255 | B102 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points •Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line •Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Nordic Real & Site Operations © 2005 IBM Corporation Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 8 Kontakt - Dialog ? Nordisk Ejendomschef, IBM Johnny Jacobsen Telefon : 4523 3661 E-mail : jjacob@dk.IBM.COM

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