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Netværk i ikt og læring 1. seminar Aalborg Universitet 24. april 2006

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1 Netværk i ikt og læring 1. seminar Aalborg Universitet 24. april 2006
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld Aalborg University Denmark 1. seminar Aalborg Universitet 24. april 2006

2 Netværket i IKT og læring
Formål Arbejdsform Planlagte seminarer

3 Problembeskrivelse Knap 20 % af virksomhederne bruger e-læring overfor 43% offentlige virksomheder, men stærke forventninger om øget brug E-læring anvendes bredt i virksomhedernes netværk (kunder, leverandører, forhandlere og andre eksterne partnere) Mange læringskilder (sidemandsoplæring, erfagrupper, daglige arbejdsopgaver etc.) Behov for løbende formidling af kritisk information (ITEK & Teknologisk Institut, 2003) E-læringsprojekter har primært fokuseret på teknologien og ikke på pædagogikken (Littig, P., L. Dirckinck-Holmfeld, et al. 2003) Monitorering af Leonardo da Vinci projekter (150 I EU).

4 Formål med Netværket At etablere et netværk mellem brugere af e-learning, udviklere af e-learning, forskere i e-learning og studerende Forskningsbaseret viden formidles systematisk og løbende til brugere og udviklere så nye metoder kan introduceres og hurtigere tages i brug Brugeres og udvikleres erfaringer og behov formidles systematisk og løbende til forskere og studerende mhb på at pege på nye forskningsfelter At skabe grundlag for udveksling og deling af dag-til-dag erfaringer, viden, metoder, teknikker At skabe grundlag for videre samarbejde

5 Arbejdsform Kortlægning af anvendte læringsformer
Udvikling af anvendte læringsformer og opstilling af alternativer Afprøvning af udviklede og alternative læringsformer Opsamling, konklusion og formidling af resultater

6 Aktiviteter 2 årlige seminarer
Interview, analyser etc. workshops, hotspots og faglige arrangementer virtuelt mødested hjemmeside der løbende udbygges og opdateres (som del af CITA-projektet)

7 Ikt og læring - Hvorfor ikt og læring? Hvordan ikt og læring?
Resultater fra ITEKs og Teknologisk Instituts undersøgelse fra 2003 Hvordan ikt og læring? definitioner på e-læring e-lærings generationer læringsmål Tilrettelæggelse af e-læring

8 Læringskilder Teknologisk Institut of ITEK har iværksat en undersøgelse af brugen og forventninger til e-learning. 285 virksomheder (offentlige og private, små, mellemstore og store virksomheder) udfyldte web-spørgeskema. ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

9 Behov for kritisk information
ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

10 Behov for løbende uddannelse
ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

11 Anvender e-læring ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

12 ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

13 ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

14 ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

15 ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

16 Definition på e -læring
E- læring er et vidt begreb, men skal her opfattes som elektronisk understøttet læring, dvs. at et individ eller en gruppe ved hjælp af IT lærer og derigennem skaber eller absorberer viden. Information, der er elektronisk båret eller elektronisk tilgængelig, men som ikke er sat i en eksplicit lærings- eller udviklingskontekst, forstår vi ikke som e- læring. E-læring dækker altså over en bred kreds af applikationer og processer, som webbaseret læring, computerbaseret læring, brugen af virtuelle klasseværelser og andre digitale samarbejdsværktøjer til læring og undervisning. Det inkluderer leveringen af uddannelsesindhold via internet, intranet og ekstranet (LAN/WAN), audio- og videobånd, satellittransmissioner, interaktivt tv og cd-rom. ITEK & Teknologisk Institut 2003

17 The definition of eLearning*
”The use of new multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services as well as remote exchanges and collaboration” * The EU eLearning Action Plan 2001

18 Understandings / e-learning generations
Computer based training ( s) Micro worlds (1980s) Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (1990s) Blended learning / virtual learning environments (2000s - )

19 Computer Based Training Machine metaphor Depositing knowledge
Passive receiver

20 Re-enforcement Skinner Computer-based training

21 MicroWorlds : 1980s Tools & toys Constructivism Exploration &
Construction Omar Dengo Foundation


23 Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 1990s ICT as collaboration
Shared Construction Problem solivng / formulation Negotiation of meaning Reflection ICT as collaboration Socio constructivism - Problem- and project based

24 Networked Learning Blended learning ICT as infrastructure
? Especially made possible because of the Internet blended learning on-campus – that the ICT as an infrastructure support the fysical infrastructure Blended learning off-campus – e.g. continuing professional development / workplace learning Collaboration among campus’s, e.g. regional and /or international…we see more and more joint programmes ICT’s is just something which are integrated, which we don’t pay especially attention to – it’s an infratructure which supports our access to information, it’s an ifrastructure which supports collaboration and communication. Blended learning ICT as infrastructure Informal learning


26 Tools for collaboration
Design Shared enterprize Problem orientation Project based Action learning Interdependence Mutual engagement Shared meaning construction Dramaturgi Roles, Melody, Social avareness Transparency Mixed mode learning environment Teacher 1 year / part time Resources Coursework Project Work Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Intro semester theme and project Project Semester – theme Preparation phase 1st. seminar 2nd. seminar 3rd. seminar 4th. seminar Project exam Textbooks, readers WWW Study guide CMC Experiments & Assignments Video conferencing CMC/Group work Case Primary sources Library Tools for collaboration

27 eLearning generations
Type Concept of technology Learning approach s Computer based training Automatisation and rationalisation Behaviorism 1980s Micro worlds Toy and tool, Exploration Constructivism 1990s Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Communication, Collaboration Socio constructivism Experiential pedagogy Problem & project based learning 2000s Networked learning Learning infrastructure Technology as a ubiquitous ecology Learning in communities of practice Action learning Workplace learning Possible to identify generations Generations live side by side. Research shows that companies in DK primarely still use variants of computer based training – however there is a growing understanding of the needs to shift towards computer supported collab learning and networked learning. Public universities have more early It confirms that ICT isn’t neutral – on the other hand it also shows that ICT offers new opportunities, and it make possible new pedagogical approaches and collaboration.

28 Change processes – digital competence
Operational knowledge Knowledge of the tool in context (assimilation / adjustment) Constructive knowledge (accommodation / transformation/reconfiguration) Inspired by Bygholm & Boysen, 2004/Engeström 2001

29 Innovation of teaching and learning (HOW)
Pedagogy Learning Innovation of teaching and learning is a unified relation. The ICT-tools you choose, and the way you adapt them have to be in accordance with the pedagogical approach you want to . Further more the implementation of ICT prerequisites organisational changes. There is a need for new competencies in the organisations, e.g. pedagogical designers, who can help the docentes in designing their course; there is a need for technicians, which can provide the ICT infrastructure. If you change the pedagogy in the direction of problem based project pedagogy, it may have implication for the design of as well the physical buildings as well as the virtual learning environments. In both cases you have to provide spaces for the students so they can work together and provide easy access to information and library resources etc. Further more, the teachers as well as the support personal must acquire the new competencies, which is competencies to use ICT, but especially to think and to do new pedagogical practices with the use of ICT. From the ELAC project we have learned, that one of the most important factors for success is if there is a collaborative learning culture among the teachers as well as the management and a will in the organisation to change. From the ELAC project (and the we have learned that to develop and integrate e-learning courses based on new pedagogical thinking request close collaboration between the pedagogical designer, the technicians and the teachers as the expert on teachiing as well as the content and a will among all parters to learn. The implementation strategy therefore has to unify the different perspectives in the organisation towards what kind of pedagogical / technical solution is wanted as well as succeeding in bridging between the different actors involved. In that sense is it a comptence to work in horizontal organisations – among expertsgroups. Seen from the point of view of collaborative project pedagogy this might serve as a usable exercise for the teachers to be acquainted to the way of working, and they may transform many of the principles to their own practice. ICT-Tools Organisa-tional change

30 Thanks for your attention
Styregruppen:for Netværket: Bo Fibiger, Århus Universitet John Lundsgaard, Sparekassen Nordjylland Nanna Skovrup,Center for Teknologi Anvendelse, Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Aalborg Universitet Acknowledgement Netværket I IKT og Læring er støttet af “Det jysk-fynske erhvervssamarbejde”. Thanks for your attention

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