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1 | 2011 Gymnasielærerdag 2011 - fra ungdomsuddannelse til videregående...

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Præsentationer af emnet: "1 | 2011 Gymnasielærerdag 2011 - fra ungdomsuddannelse til videregående..."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 1 | 2011 Gymnasielærerdag 2011 - fra ungdomsuddannelse til videregående...

2 2 12-årig skole 2 LLL Erhvervskarriere Ing.udd. andre udd. KonsulentDesignerSystemudviklerLederModeludviklerUnderviserSælgerProducentEntrepreneur Livs-forløb

3 Studerende fra Aarhus School of Engineering har udviklet en intelligent dragt til ældre. Den skal på sigt gøre det nemmere at følge helbredstilstanden hos gamle og svage i eget hjem. Intelligent dragt skal hjælpe ældre

4 Forskere forudsiger epilepsianfald Forskere er på sporet af en ny metode til at forudsige epileptiske anfald. Det er godt nyt for de 55.000 danskere, der lider af epilepsi.

5 To studerende fra Ingeniørhøjskolen i Århus har vundet en prestigefyldt ingeniørpris på 25.000 kroner. De har udviklet en pumpe, der kan reducere energiforbruget i køleanlæg markant.

6 Generationsskifte skal sætte skub i dansk byggeri

7 AARHUS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING (ASE) ASE is a joint partnership between Aarhus University through its Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Engineering College of Aarhus (IHA) ASE represents all engineering studies in Aarhus, Bachelor as well as Master studies and associated PhD programmes within the engineering sciences 2,300 students (2010) Read more at

8 Diplomingeniør (prof.bachelor): • Bygningsdesign • Bioprocesteknologi • Bygningsteknik • Elektro • IKT • Maskinteknik • Sundhedsteknologi • Stærkstrøm • (Forretningsingeniør) • Byggeri • Biomedicinsk teknik • Optik og elektronik • Procesteknology • Teknisk geologi • Teknisk IT • Mekanik • Biosystemteknologi Civilingeniør :

9 9 | 2011 Gymnasielærerdag A disciplinary curriculum Organized around disciplines, with no explicit introduction of skills An integrated curriculum Organized around disciplines, with skills and projects interwoven An apprenticeship model Based on projects, with no organized introduction of disciplines A problem-based curriculum Organized around problems, with disciplines interwoven (Disciplines run vertically; projects and skills run horizontally)

10 10 | 2011 Gymnasielærerdag Om opbygning, beskrivelse og drift af en uddannelse:


12 12 | 2011 Gymnasielærerdag

13 13 | 2011 Gymnasielærerdag


15 15 | 2011 Gymnasielærerdag Videnskabsteori Ingeniør- og arkitekturhistorie Ingeniøretik Teknologi & samfund Metodik Vidensbegrebet Studieteknik Læring og motivation Informationssøgning Gruppedynamik, konflikhåndtering Logbog

16 “Engineering is not a science. Science studies particular events to find general laws. Engineering makes use of these laws to solve particular problems. In this it is more closely related to art or craft; as in art its problems are under defined, there are many solutions, good, bad and indifferent. The art is, by synthesis of ends and means, to arrive at a good solution. This is a creative activity involving imagination, intuition and deliberate choice.” “Engineering is not a science. Science studies particular events to find general laws. Engineering makes use of these laws to solve particular problems. In this it is more closely related to art or craft; as in art its problems are under defined, there are many solutions, good, bad and indifferent. The art is, by synthesis of ends and means, to arrive at a good solution. This is a creative activity involving imagination, intuition and deliberate choice.” Ove Arup

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