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Brug af ikke-konventionelt vand i landbrugsproduktion, produktions- og sundhedsaspekter ved det Arbejde med vand og sundhed DWF medlemsmøde om vand og.

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1 Brug af ikke-konventionelt vand i landbrugsproduktion, produktions- og sundhedsaspekter ved det Arbejde med vand og sundhed DWF medlemsmøde om vand og sundhed 19. April 2006 Finn Plauborg, seniorforsker, DJF, Forskningscenter Foulum

2 Brug af ikke-konventionelt vand i landbrugsproduktion, produktions- og sundhedsaspekter ved det Indhold •Projektet SAFIR ( –hovedelementer –kort status •SAFIR i perspektiv –EU politisk •EEA rapporter •6EAP (2001-12) –Behov for yderligere indsatser

3 SAFIR hovedelementer •Safe and High Quality Food Production using Low Quality Waters and Improved Irrigation Systems and Management (SAFIR) •FP6 strep projekt 2005-09, total 55 mio. Kr •Forskning og udvikling i projektet har to overordnede mål –Produktion af sunde fødevarer ved anvendelse af vanding med behandlet spildevand –At øge effektiviteten af vanding gennem forbedrede metoder og strategier

4 SAFIR hovedelementer - deltagere

5 SAFIR hovedelementer - organisering

6 SAFIR hovedelementer - WP1 IRRTECH A new water treatment device (prototype) will be developed and implemented into a new, flexible, modular irrigation system. The combined system will be conceived to minimize the risk of pollutants and pathogens contamination and bioaccumulation in the food chain taking in account the specific risk level of each plant’s vegetative phases.

7 SAFIR hovedelementer - WP1 IRRTECH Treated Low Quality Water Schema Lånt fra CER

8 SAFIR hovedelementer - WP1 IRRTECH Untreated Low Quality Water Schema Lånt fra CER

9 SAFIR hovedelementer – WP4 IMPACT •To investigate the efficiency of treatment technology developed and prototyped in WP1 with respect to a list of major and trace elements and pathogens including indicator organisms for bacterial, viral and parasitic pathogens. •To study the transport of these substances/micro-organisms within the root zone towards plants (bio-accumulation) and fresh products as well as processed products. •To investigate and model the transfer of substances/micro-organisms in the root zone and the unsaturated zone.

10 SAFIR hovedelementer – WP4 IMPACT Lånt fra BRGM

11 •Quality and safety of fresh and processed food should be correctly estimated (from field to fork) •Evaluation of fresh matter food quality (both for tomato and potato crop) –It means Physical and Chemical and basic microbiological characteristics for tomato and for potato •Industrial Processing into stabilised commercial products by mean of semi-industrial scale pilot plant •Evaluation of the finished products food quality (both for tomato and potato) SAFIR hovedelementer WP4 IMPACT Lånt fra SSICA FOOD QUALITY

12 SAFIR hovedelementer WP4 IMPACT FOOD QUALITY Lånt fra SSICA

13 SAFIR hovedelementer WP4 IMPACT •Chemical and physical and microbiological characteristics for tomato: –Analyses of Metals ( Cd, Cr, Pb, Fe, Cu, As, Ni, Zn, Hg, Sn) –Analysis of Minerals ( Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Cl-, NO3- –Analysis of microelements (Se, Li, B) •Analysis of quality markers – (°Brix,, Dry Matter, pH, Hunter Colour, Tot. Acidity, Sugars, Consistency, N tot.(Proteins), Vit.C, Lycopene, …,) •Analysis of key pathogens – (Total coliforms, Faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococci, Salmonella, Yealds and Moulds….) FOOD QUALITY - analysis Lånt fra SSICA

14 SAFIR – kort status •Projektet startet 1. okt. 2005 •Kick-off møde i Kina 27/2-3/3 2006 •Markforsøg 2006-08 –Tomater i Kina, Kreta og Italien –Kartofler i Kina, Serbien-Montenegro og Italien •Semi-markforsøg 2006-07 –Kartofler i Danmark –Tomater i Polen •Stakeholder møde i Bryssel september 2006 – se hjemmeside


16 Brug af ikke-konventionelt vand i landbrugsproduktion, produktions- og sundhedsaspekter ved det Indhold •Projektet SAFIR ( –hovedelementer –kort status •SAFIR i perspektiv –EU politisk •EEA rapporter •6EAP (2001-12) –Behov for yderligere indsatser

17 SAFIR i perspektiv – set gennem EEA rapporter •The large environmental share of health problems in non-OECD countries (diarrhoea, TBC, etc.) is due mainly to factors related to poverty, such as limited access to proper food, housing, healthcare, and drinking water. •Environmental determinants of human health in OECD countries are related more to exposure to air pollutants, mainly in urban areas, and to chemicals in the environment. EEA Report No 10/2005 Environment and health

18 SAFIR i perspektiv – set gennem EEA rapporter •Arsenic in drinking water and cadmium from diffuse sources are environmental contaminants of special concern, because of increasing environmental exposure and their suspected carcinogenicity •Wildlife studies have also shown the significance of hormone residues released to the environment with municipal sewage waters or from farms with intensive animal husbandry. There are clear signs of endocrine disruption in fish populations in waters that receive effluents from such installations. EEA Report No 10/2005 Environment and health

19 SAFIR i perspektiv set gennem EEA rapporter •Many EU-15 countries have not yet complied fully with the UWWT-directive. Several have failed to monitor water courses and assess their ecological status so they can be designated sensitive areas where appropriate. Many have not yet installed the sewage treatment capacity that the directive required by 1998 and 2000. •Currently our sewage treatment facilities are not optimised to degrade and prevent pharmaceuticals from household wastewater from reaching the environment. Pharmaceuticals are not only a health risk for humans but can also have serious effects on the environment. EEA Report The European Environment – State and outlook 2005 & EEA Report No 10/2005 Environment and health

20 SAFIR i perspektiv – set gennem sixth environment action programme (6EAP) •The strategic approach of the 6EAP (2001-12) is underpinned by five major objectives: –to improve the implementation of existing environmental legislation at national and regional levels; –to integrate environmental concerns into other policy areas; –to work closely with business and consumers in a more market- driven approach to identifying solutions; –to ensure better and more accessible information on the environment for citizens; –to develop a more environment-conscious attitude towards land use planning. EEA Report The European Environment – State and outlook 2005

21 SAFIR i perspektiv – Behov for nye tiltag •The lessons to be learnt from the past decades are clear: –Environmental policies, when properly developed and implemented, have led to significant and cost-effective improvements in several fields, whilst stimulating innovation in the development of environmental technologies and services. –Currently, the global market for such technologies and services is worth about EUR 425 billion (USD 515 billion) a year and is forecast to expand at a rate of about 3 % a year. EEA Report The European Environment – State and outlook 2005

22 SAFIR i perspektiv – Behov for yderligere indsats •SAFIR-projektet (og nye tilsvarende projekter) er politisk korrekte formodentlig til 2030 –”Drivers” •Mangel på rent vand (især i EU-syd, men også globalt) •Re-cirkulering/genbrug (også af vand i jordbruget) •Sikring af landbrugsproduktion, socio-økonomisk betydning –Udfordringer •Sunde fødevarer produceret med spildevand kræver sikker teknologi –Øget kontrol og overvågning af f.eks. rensningsteknologi •Hvor placeres omkostning ved yderligere rensning?










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