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Mod bedre vidende – videns- og brugerdrevet design

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Mod bedre vidende – videns- og brugerdrevet design"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Mod bedre vidende – videns- og brugerdrevet design
Baggrund Tweens og teens viden Superbrugergrupper i udvikling Produkter Under den let polemiske titel “mod bedre vidende” vil jeg fortælle om den måde, vi arbejder med trends, måske særligt mega-trends, og børn og unge på hos KOMPAN. “Mod bedre vidende” har jeg valgt at kalde dette oplæg, for i brugerdrevet design med børn og unge risikerer virksomheder at begå fejltagelser, hvis ikke en basal vidensmængde om børn og unge er til stede forud for brugerundersøgelserne. Denne vidensmængde må rigtig gerne være dokumenterbar, altså valid. Ikke blot bygget på mavefornemmelser og erfaringer om, hvad der var skægt da man selv var knægt. Jeanette Fich Jespersen, KOMPAN Play Institute International manager

2 KOMPAN – verdens førende producent af legeredskaber
Salg i 58 lande Produktion i Australien, Holland, Sverige, Tjekkiet, Tyskland Omsætning 2009: 1,113.5 mia. Dkk Største marked: Frankrig Lidt baggrund om KOMPAN: Vi er verdens største producent af legeredskaber og førende på området viden om børn.

3 KOMPAN PLAY INSTITUTE Et internationalt netværk i leg
Overvåger trends Tager initiativ til studier Kommunikerer viden gennem: Kampagner og publikationer Seminarer og konferencer Træning og kurser KOMPAN produkter KOMPAN PLAY INSTITUTE er KOMPANs videncenter.

4 Aktuelle temaer Trends Temaer mangel på bevægelse og fri leg
dalende aktivitet og medejerskab blandt unge universelt design og inklusion Temaer sundhed og leg leg og teenagere leg for alle CURRENT FOCUS AREAS The KOMPAN Play Institute currently focuses on the themes: play and health, play and teenagers, and inclusion of children with disabilities. The seminar modules cover a wider range of themes, though, such as: pre-school play, inclusion and vandalism, play and nature. These themes are mainly defined from the overall trends we observe in society today. In the trends mentioned here, playgrounds and KOMPAN play equipment can make a difference: - we know from numerous surveys that playgrounds activate children and are great calorie burners. The whole educational process of getting children out into the open air, playing freely, prevents children becoming overweight and not getting enough exercise. we see a declining sense of purpose in youth. In the past, older children participated naturally in the chores of family and society. This is no longer so. A lot of teenagers see themselves as capable young people, ready to participate. But they do not get a chance to do so on their own terms. The purpose of the tasks is not obvious. This situation can lead to extreme reactions like vandalism. Here again, we see physical activity and playgrounds that the youth have participated in planning as part of the solution: it is a fact that young people who are physically very active have high self esteem and low prevalence of deviant behaviour. inclusion has grown to become a buzz-word of the new millennium. The trend behind this is the increased focus on democratic values and the growing affluence generally seen in western societies. The richer we get, the more we focus on respecting individual needs. At KOMPAN we know that by including children with disabilities in the playground, for instance, you get much more than just satisfied disabled users: the children who are not disabled actually learn a lot from playing with children who are different from themselves. They learn about differences in abilities, and not least, they learn about tolerance.

5 Relevante vidensområder relateret til udendørs legepladsleg

6 Mod bedre vidende – videns- og brugerdrevet design
Baggrund Tweens og teens viden Superbrugergrupper i udvikling Produkter Jeanette Fich Jespersen, KOMPAN Play Institute International manager

7 10+ år – konstante og foranderlige, eksisterende viden i KOMPAN
Variable: Mindre fysisk aktivitet: 33% bevæger sig for lidt, 25% overvægtige eller fede Samvær over sms, pc Unge forbrugere Mosquito buzz Konstante: Vækstspurt Søvnbehov stiger Udfordret balancesans Kønsmoden Sociale kompetancer Holdninger/etik Generationskløften This presentation will take you through KOMPAN’s knowledge on young people and good outdoor solutions for them. It will concentrate on: the background: how are young people today compared to 30 years ago the research that we have done asking young people their opinions on outdoor activity the KOMPAN GROUND: six principles that we recommend to create succedful youth places

8 Men hvad siger brugerne selv?

9 Capacent Epinion og KOMPANs undersøgelse: Unges mening
“Man gider jo ikke stå og svede når en lækker dreng kommer forbi”, Dansk pige i Capacent Epinions fokusgruppeinterview for KOMPAN Ingen eller få gode uderum til de 10-15årige 10-15årige vil helst være sammen Få løsninger udover boldspil eller skateanlæg Få løsninger til piger Unge har udgangsforbud eller forbud mod at forsamles Naboklager: NIMBY Capacent Epinion, a highly estimed Danish exit-poll bureau, did six focus group interviews of 13-14 and 15-16yearolds in Denmark, England and the Netherlands*). The youth panels interviewed expressed a wish to be listened to but surprisingly enough they also stated that they liked play and would like to have more outdoor areas to meet and be active in. A surprising comment was made by several of the respondants, namely that they feared that such places would mean trouble as neighbours would complaint. In other words, they did not want to disturb others and were very aware that it was a risk they would be perceived as a nuisance if their places were too close to neighbours. *) The interviews were carried out by Heskes research in the Netherlands, All global Viewing in the UK (Kilder: Unge fra England, Danmark og Holland CAPACENT EPINION for KOMPAN, fokusgruppe- interviews i DK. UK and NL, efterår 2007

10 Kvantitativ undersøgelse: unges fysiske aktivitet udendørs
56% af de 13-16årige mener der er for få steder udendørs for unge Kilde: Capacent Epinions undersøgelse for KOMPAN Play Institute Piger deltager i markant færre sportsaktiviteter udendørs end drenge (37% piger vs. 60% drenge) Boldspil for sjov er en drengeaktivitet (46% drenge vs. 28% piger) Piger kan lide gåture i naturen (49% piger vs. 23% drenge) Piger shopper! (54% piger vs. 19% drenge) Fra Capacent Epinions undersøgelse for KOMPAN Play Institute af åriges aktivitetsvaner Based on the results of 6 Focus group interviews*) in Denmark, England and the Netherlands by Danish exit-poll bureau Capacent Epinion (in NL: Heskes Research; in UK: All Global Viewing), a validation with 1040 Danish participants was made by Capacent Epinion on behalf of the KOMPAN Play Institute. The results to some degree confirm existing knowledge but some surprising new results also came up. For instance that girls like walks in nature. Girls also go shopping but *) Two groups in each country: yearolds and 15-16yearolds Equal numbers of boys and girls, diverse backgrounds Unge fra Glasgow

11 Hvis du forestiller dig et udendørs sted for unge
på din egen alder – hvad er så vigtigst for dig? What is most important at an outdoor place (y oung teenagers / year-olds) 20 40 60 80 Læ og ly Cykelafstand Trygt og ordentligt Mange unge Mange aktiviteter % The survey, executed by the Danish exit poll bureau Capacent Epinion on behalf of KOMPAN with yearold respondents, tells us remarkable truths about the character of the places young people prefer: Many activites is a topscorer (most respondents mentioned this) when young people are asked what the most important thing in an outdoor place is. It is remarkable because many youth shelters throughout the later years have been merely that: youth shelters. The young people clearly express that it takes more than sheltered seating to meet their needs. They want to have activities, too. But a clear second is that there are many young people in the good outdoor place. Fra Capacent Epinions undersøgelse af åriges holdninger for KOMPAN Play Institute

12 Hvilke redskaber benytter du, når du bevæger dig på en legeplads ?
% When asked what activities they liked in a playground, one might have expected that a lot of the 13-15yearolds would tick the box: Do not use playgrounds. In fact that is not the case. All respondents tick boxes here, and swings is the absolute favourite girl activity. Agility tracks, also known as trim trails, is the biggest unisex scorer. – These questions were all made as multiple choice. When asking young people this question one has to consider that they can only tick boxes where they know what the activity actually is. Spinning devices might not be well known to everybody, whereas skater parks would be. Remarkably, skater parks do not score very high with the girls. Only 17% of them prefer skater parks, whereas the boys seem to be equally interested in skater parks, climbing equipment, ball pitches and swings. Only agility tracks, trim trails, have a higher score. Gynger Klatre- redskaber Skater- ramper Fra Capacent Epinions undersøgelse af åriges holdninger for KOMPAN Play Institute

13 Mod bedre vidende – videns- og brugerdrevet design
Baggrund Tweens og teens viden Superbrugergrupper i udvikling Produkter Jeanette Fich Jespersen, KOMPAN Play Institute International manager

14 KOMPAN GROUND principper
Baseret på Capacents undersøgelse og interviews med kunder i fire lande

15 KOMPAN ICON - digitale spil med respekt for fri leg og unges ønsker

16 4 Redskaber + 12 spil SPACE NOVA ROCKY SWIRL




20 Produkteksempel: KOMPAN ICON digitale spil i fri fysisk leg
New York Barcelona New Orleans Eindhoven

21 Tak for jeres opmærksomhed! Links til kilder og mere viden:
Nyhedsbrev om tweens og udesteder fra KOMPAN Play Institute: Produktudvalg til tweens fra KOMPAN: Jeanette Fich Jespersen, KOMPAN Play Institute International manager

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