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Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik WOC 2006 IT funktion Januar 2006.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik WOC 2006 IT funktion Januar 2006."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik WOC 2006 IT funktion Januar 2006

2 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Delfunktioner •Tidtagning •Klippekontrol •L ø bsadministration •Speakersupport •Web •IT-system •IT-presse

3 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Tidtagning •Registrering af startid •Registrering af m å ltid •Udfordringer –1/10 sekunds n ø jagtighed –100% p å lidelig –M å ltid beregnet umiddelbart ved m å lpassage

4 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik START FINISH SIRA P OEFinis h SERVER Tidtagningssystem

5 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Klippekontrol •SportIdent brikker •Programmering og udlevering af kontrolenheder •Kontrol af brikker i m å l •Godkendelse/diskvalifikation af l ø bere

6 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Løbsadministration •Registrere l ø bere •Lodtr æ kning •Udf æ rdige startlister •Levere output til resultattavle •S ø rge for backup af data

7 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Speakersupport •Radiotider fra skoven •Drift af speakersystem •Drift af videooverlay

8 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik WEB system •Online web d æ kning fra st æ vnet •Alternativet (Sverige) •Online resultater •Video- og Lyd fra storsk æ rmen

9 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik IT system •Ops æ tning af udstyr og netv æ rk p å st æ vnepladser •Datakommunikation til/fra st æ vnepladser •Drift af servere mm.

10 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik IT presse •IT-drift af pressecenter •Datakommunikations faciliteter p å st æ vnepladser •Supportere pressen

11 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik IT Jens Kristian Kjærgård Løbsadministration Kell Sønnichsen Tidtagning Kjeld H. Mortensen EKT Jan Hauerslev Speakersupport Lasse Staffensen WWW Alternativet IT system Mikael K. Sørensen IT presse Jan Overgård Teknisk koordinator & IOF Finn Arildsen

12 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Overordnet tidsplan 2005 •Alle IT - elementer p å plads og aftestet. •Opbygning af kompetence i core-team p å 10-15 personer. •Etablering af samarbejdsrelationer til SportIdent. •Udarbejdelse af funktionsbeskrivelser. •Etablering af klare afgr æ nsning til ø vrige funktioner. 2006 •Oparbejde rutine i h å ndtering af systemer. •Opl æ ring af komplet mandskab. •Udarbejdelse af detaljerede logistik- og tidsplaner.

13 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Status januar 2006 •Kontrakt med SportIdent som leverand ø r. •Tidtagning afpr ø vet med succes ved DM-sprint og i Palsg å rd. •Test weekend med test af ” unormale ” situationer •2. udgave af funktionsbeskrivelser. •St ø rste udest å ender: –Mandskab. –kommunikation til st æ vnepladserne.

14 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Tak for jeres opmærksomhed

15 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik SportIdent 5 delsystemer •Tidtagning. Registrering af l ø bstid fra start til m å l. •Klippekontrol. Kontrol af passage af poster og inkluderer poster, brikker mm. •Speakersystem. Radioposter og l ø bende pr æ sentation af tider til brug for speakning. •Video overlay. Display af tider og resultater til videoproduktion. •L ø bsadministration og lodtr æ kning.

16 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Tidtagning IOF rule 23.8 Two independent timekeeping systems, a primary and a secondary, shall be used continuously throughout the competition. The timekeeping systems shall measure times of competitors in the same class, relative to each other, with an accuracy of 0.5 seconds or better (or with an accuracy of 0.05 seconds in races if timing is to tenths of seconds). •1/10 seconds pr æ cision i alle konkurrencer for at undg å forskellige ops æ tninger. •Fuldst æ ndig og uafh æ ngig dublering. Microgate pr æ cision (REI2). •+- 0.0864 s/day for external temperatures between -25°C and 50°C •+- 0.0216 s during 6 hours •At most 2*0.0216 s = 0.0432 s start and finish

17 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik SportIdent aftestning •april-2005 –Afpr ø vning ved DM-sprint •efter å r 2005 –Mindst 2 testl ø b. •november 2005 –System test med detaljeret afpr ø vning af fejl situationer og kapacitet. •maj-juni 2006 –Afpr ø vning af radioposter. •for å r 2006 –Mindst 2 testl ø b.

18 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik IOF rule exemption IOF rule 20.7 A competitor with a control punch missing or unidentifiable shall not be placed unless it can be established with certainty that the punch missing or unidentifiable is not the competitor ’ s fault. In this exceptional circumstance, other evidence may be used to prove that the competitor visited the control, such as evidence from control officials or cameras or read-out from the control unit. In all other circumstances, such evidence is not acceptable and the competitor must be disqualified. In the case of SportIdent, this rule means that: • If one unit is not working, a competitor must use the backup provided and will be disqualified if no punch is recorded • If a competitor punches too fast and fails to receive the feedback signals, the card will not contain the punch and the competitor must be disqualified (even though the control unit may have recorded the competitor ’ s card number)

19 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Exemption (fortsat) Anbefaling til event advisors (under udsendelse) In the ligth of these circumstances, it is a requirement from the Foot+O Commission for the time being that whenever an on-line control unit is used (via cable or radio), the organisers of an IOF event should place either an official or (preferably) a video camera at the control site of each on-line control, throughout the race, to record the competitors as they punch the control. This does not relieve the competitors from punching the control in the usual manner. However, if a punch for the on-line control is missing from a competitor`s e-card, the official`s record (or the video film) of the competitors having punched the control could be used as a valid backup.

20 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Exemption målsætning •Form å let med en rule exemption er at mulig ø re godkendelse af stempling, hvis det helt entydigt kan godtg ø res at l ø beren har stemplet posten og at l ø beren ikke har haft eller fors ø gt at f å en konkurrencem æ ssig fordel. •Omvendt vil vi som arrang ø r gerne undg å at skulle hente postenheder ind til afl æ sning undtagen i de tilf æ lde hvor vi har en begrundet mistanke om at der er sket en fejl.

21 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Datakommunikation •Der arbejdes med flere forskellige muligheder for datakommunikation fra st æ vnepladser. –Wireless link via rel æ p å Himmelbjerget. –Tilslutning via mobil mobilmast. –Milit æ rt komminukations l ø sning. •Det forventede behov er i st ø rrelsesordenen 4*2 Mbps symmetrisk. •Pr æ ferencen er en l ø sning supporteret af en professionel operat ø r; men vi frygter at WOC 2006 ikke er istand til at honorere de ø konomiske krav. •Vi forventer at kunne overtale en af de danske operat ø rere til at opstille ekstra mobilmast i tilknytning til st æ vnepladserne p å finale dagene. •Vi planl æ gger at tilbyde wireless opkobling (hotspot) fra st æ vnepladserne.

22 Patron: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik Tak for jeres opmærksomhed

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