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Nye standarder Specielt PMBOK 3th. -> 4th. Edition.

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1 Nye standarder Specielt PMBOK 3th. -> 4th. Edition

2 What´s new in OPM3 and PMBoK? 17:00 Velkommen 17:05 Meddelelser 17:15 Søren Porskrog – OPM3 2th. Edition 17:15 Finn Svenning – PMBoK 4th. Edition 17:45 Pause og bogsalg 18:00 Tak for i dag

3 Meddelelser Generalforsamling d. 26. februar 17:00 til ca. 20:30 på Zoo Vi har inviteret Uffe Elbæk, (projekt-) direktør World Outgames 2009 til at give et indlæg inden Generalforsamlingen. Uffe Elbæk er en forbilledlig projektleder og en meget inspirerende foredragsholder. Uffe Elbæk vil forklare, hvordan han har aktiveret de fem definerede værdier for projektet - Bæredygtighed, Kulturel mangfoldighed, Social innovation, Gennemsigtighed og Generøsitet, og hvordan der styres mod det overordnede succeskriterie for World Outgames 2009 - at skabe en begivenhed, der bliver oplevet som både unik og relevant for alle deltagere. Herefter følger den ordinære Generalforsamling og til slut middag. Tilmelding på

4 Søren Porskrog, MBA, SCPM Søren Porskrog has studied strategy and project management at Stanford University, Henley Management College, and CBS Han har lige afsluttet sin MBA i projektledelse på Henley Business School med en hovedopgave om modenheds- modeller og performance i projektbaserede organisationer. Opgaven, som fik topkarakter, er blevet trykt som artikelserie i Project Manager Today i England, samt præsenteret på PMI’s globale kongres i Denver i Oktober. Artiklerne fra Project Manager Today kan findes på Søren er i dag ved at forberede sit doktorstudie i programledelse på Cranfield University i England, hvor han også er gæsteforelæser på ”MSc In Programme and Project Management”.

5 Artiklerne.. How to achieve excellent performance in project- based organizations Success and performance – measurement and generation Organisational project success – factors and measures Project and project management success criteria and factors The validity of existing project management maturity models Are existing project management maturity models valid?

6 Søren Porskrog og OPM3 Søren Porskrog, har været med i udviklingen af OPM3 2nd edition, hvor han som medlem af ledelsesteamet bl.a. har haft ansvar for marketing teamet og for udviklingen af en nyskabelse i OPM3- verdenen – de såkaldte Organisational Enablers.

7 Nye standarder A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®; Guide)— Fourth Edition The Standard for Program Management — Second Edition The Standard for Portfolio Management — Second Edition Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®;) — Second Edition

8 The Charter… “Any necessary work to make the standard more accurate, up to date, relevant, clear, concise, and easy to understand and implement. This may include the reorganization of content, additional content, refinement of content, or deletion of content.” With that directive in mind, the update team adopted an approach aimed at achieving a greater degree of consistency and clarity by refining the processes, standardizing inputs and outputs where possible, and implementing a global approach for documenting the inputs and outputs.

9 Processes - naming now in a verb-noun format. This is consistent with most other standards. –Scope Definition -> Define Scope –Acitivity Definition -> Define Activity

10 Processes - deleted Develop Preliminary Scope Statement

11 Processes - added Identify Stakeholders – in the Project Communication Management knowledge area

12 Processes - altered Plan Purchases and Acquisitions Plan Contracting Plan Procurements –Plan Purchases and Acquisitions –Plan Contracting Request Seller Responses Select Sellers Conduct Procurements –Request Seller Responses –Select Sellers Administer Procurements Close Procurements ---------------------------------- Scope Planning -> Collect Requirements

13 Processes 44 – 1 + 1 – 2 = 42 processes all with a data flow diagram that shows where information comes from as an input and where it goes to as an output

14 Data Flow Diagrams - old

15 Data Flow Diagrams

16 Clarifications more of a distinction about what goes into a Project Charter and a Project Scope Statement distinguishing between the Project Management Plan and project documents lumped together the change request, corrective action, preventive action and defect repair grouping into one heading called Change Requests

17 Project Charter and a Project Scope Statement

18 Project Management Plan and project documents

19 Alt i alt Lettere læst – opgaver frem for afsnit Mere præcis – ala PRINCE2 Mere orienteret mod omverdenen

20 Stakeholder

21 New appendix ? a brief overview of the following interpersonal skills: –Leadership –Team building –Motivation –Communication –Influencing –Decision making –Political and cultural awareness –Negotiation

22 Vores certificeringer

23 Certification?


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