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1 Skift Typografi Marker tekst og klik TAB for at hoppe til næste typografi Klik SHIFT + TAB for at hoppe tilbage i typografierne 1. OVERSKRIFT 2. UNDEROVERSKRIFT 3. Brødtekst 4. Punktopstilling Typografi billedtekst 1. Overskrift 2. Billedbrødtekst Indsæt hjælpelinjer til placering af objekter 1. Højreklik uden for slidet og vælg Gitter og hjælpelinjer 2. Sæt kryds ved Vis tegnehjælpelinjer på skærmen 3. Sæt hak ved Fastgør objekter til gitter & Fastgør objekter til andre objekter 4. Vælg OK Indsæt / Ændre Cobrand-logo 1. Højreklik på logoet, vælg Skift billede 2. Find det nye logo, klik OK 3. Fjern logo og hvid kasse hvis du ikke ønsker Cobrand- logo 4. Hvis du ikke ønsker cobranding med Københavns Universitet skal du også huske at fjerne universitets-navnet ved Afsendervirksomhed i toppen til venstre Tilpasse størrelse og placering på billed-pladsholder, før du indsætter billede 1. Klik på billed-pladsholderen 2. Træk i håndtaget i toppen eller i siderne 3. Justér og placér billed- og billedtekst-pladsholderen ift hjælpelinier. Du kan markere begge pladsholdere og flytte dem samtidigt ved at holde SHIFT- knappen nede mens du klikker 4. Hvis du ændrer størrelsen på billed-pladsholderen, så tilpas bredden på billedtekst- pladsholderen, hvis du bruger billedtekst Indsæt billede 1. Klik på det lille billed- indsættelsesikon i midtenaf pladsholderen 2. Indsæt det ønskede billede Beskær eller skalér billede 1. Klik Beskær for at ændre billedets fokus 2. Du skalerer billedet, ved at holde SHIFT-knappen nede, mens der trækkes i billedets hjørner TREATMENT OF SLEEP DISTURBANCES IN TRAUMA-AFFECTED REFUGEES – A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL ​ Hinuga Sandahl 1, Poul Jennum 3, Lone Baandrup, Jessica Carlsson 1,2 ​ 1. Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry (CTP), Mental Health Centre Ballerup ​ 2. University of Copenhagen ​ 3. Danish Center for Sleep Medicine ​ The study is performed in collaboration between Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry and Danish Center for Sleep Medicine. ​ Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry, ​ Mental Health Centre Ballerup, ​ Mental Health Services of the Capital Region of Copenhagen, Denmark A need for evidence based treatment of sleep disturbances for trauma-affected refugees  70-87% of persons suffering from PTSD describe sleep disturbances  Sleep disturbances may affect the efficacy of first-line PTSD treatment and constitute a risk factor for poor outcome of psychiatric treatment  Sleep disturbances affect functioning, parenting and quality of life OBJECTIVE BACKGROUNDMATERIAL AND METHOD To estimate treatment effects of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) and mianserin on sleep quality, sleep length and nightmares compared to treatment as usual (TAU) at CTP (Se description below) To study the relationship between enhanced sleep, PTSD- symptoms, observer-rated functioning and self-rated quality of life To examine predictors for positive outcome of treatment The overall aim of this study is to examine sleep enhancing treatment in refugees with PTSD in a randomised controlled trial. The study will include 230 refugees, diagnosed with PTSD, referred to CTP. Patients who give informed consent will be randomised to four treatment groups: A.Treatment as usual (TAU); pharmacological treatment according to algorithm, physiotherapy and manual based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy B.TAU and add-on treatment with mianserin C.TAU and add-on treatment with Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) D.TAU and add-on treatment with mianserin and IRT Trial endpoints are sleep, nightmare, PTSD and depression symptoms, quality of life and functioning. All measured on validated ratings scales. Author for correspondence: Hinuga Sandahl, M.D. Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry AIM The study is planned to begin including patients during 2016, so no data are available. RESULTS This study is expected to bring forward new knowledge on both medical and therapeutic treatment of sleep disturbances in trauma-affected refugees. CONCLUSION A. TAU 1 B. TAU 1 + MIANSERIN C. TAU 1 + IRT 2 D. TAU 1 + MIANSERIN + IRT 2 PHASE 1 2 months Physician Physiotherapist Medicine 3 Physiotherapy Psychoeducation 4 MIANSERIN Medicine 3 Physiotherapy Psychoeducation 4 Medicine 3 Physiotherapy Psychoeducation 4 MIANSERIN Medicine 3 Physiotherapy Psychoeducation 4 PHASE 2 4-6 months Physician Psychologist Physiotherapist Medicine 3 Physiotherapy Psychoeducation 4 Manual-based CBT 5 Medicine 3 Physiotherapy Psychoeducation 4 Manual-based CBT 5 MIANSERIN Medicine 3 Physiotherapy Psychoeducation 4 Manual-based CBT 5 IRT 2 Medicine 3 Physiotherapy Psychoeducation 4 Manual-based CBT 5 IRT 2 + MIASERIN 1 Treatment as usual at CTP 2 Imagery Rehearsal Therapy 3 Medicine according to standard in CTP with either sertraline or venlafaxine. Other antidepressants will be substituted. 4 Psychoeducation on sleep is performed in sessions with both physician and physiotherapist 5 Manual-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy FLOWCHART

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