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Sociale og etiske initiativer inden for Mikrofinans Beskytteren: Hvordan udfyldes rollen som beskytter, der advokerer for sociale dagsordener Mikrofinans.

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1 Sociale og etiske initiativer inden for Mikrofinans Beskytteren: Hvordan udfyldes rollen som beskytter, der advokerer for sociale dagsordener Mikrofinans i praksis – 4. juni 2012

2 Baggrund/Overblik MYC4’s ønske om socialt ansvarlig afrikansk entrepreneurship: MDG 2015, Global Compact, CGAP/MIX, MF Transparency, SMART 1995: CGAP ( + Microfinance Gateway ( ) 2002: MIX – Microfinance Information Exchange ( ) 2008: Microfinance Transparency ( ) 2008-10: The SMART Campaign ( )

3 Human Rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and Principle 1 Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Principle 2: Labour Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Principle 3 Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; Principle 4 Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and Principle 5 Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Principle 6 Environment Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 7 Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 8 Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Principle 9 Anti-Corruption Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. Principle 10


5 CGAP – Consultative group to assist the poor 33 offentlige og private udviklingsorganisationer (incl. DANIDA) Udbrede adgang til finansielle ydelser i udviklingslande 10 mio. $ budget Verdensbanken Wash.DC Udviklingsorg., finansielle instit. Incl. MFI, lovgivere og andre (rating agencies) Gateway: online service – jobs, artikler, forskning etc.

6 Regnskabstal og analyse og informationer om 2.000+ MFI’er m.fl. 65 mia. $ låneportefølje 91 ud af 155 mio. låntagere Branche benchmarks Social Performance Ressource Center


8 MIX Social Performance Indicators INDICATOR CATEGORY WHAT THE INDICATORS MEASURE 1. Mission and social goals The MFI's stated commitment to its social mission, its target market and development objectives 2. Governance Whether members of the Board of Directors have been trained in social performance management and the presence of a formal Board committee that monitors social performance 3. Range of products and services Both financial and non-financial products and services offered by the MFI 4. Social responsibility to clients The number of Smart Campaign Client Protection Principles applied by the MFI 5. Transparency of cost of services to clients How the MFI states its interest rates 6. Human resources and staff incentives The MFI's policy regarding social responsibility to staff. This includes: human resource policies in place, board and staff composition, staff turnover rate, and staff incentives linked to social performance goals 7. Social responsibility to the environment Whether the MFI has policies and initiatives in place to mitigate the environmental impact of financed enterprises 8. Poverty outreach Poverty levels of clients at entry and their movement out of poverty over time 9. Client outreach by lending methodology The type of lending methodology(-ies) employed by the MFI 10. Enterprises financed and employment creation The number of enterprises financed by the MFI and employment opportunities created by the enterprises financed 11. Client retention rate The client retention rate of the MFI Read more:

9 Microfinance Transparency: Promoting transparent pricing in the micronfinance industry Ineffektive markeder: Ingen sammenligning af låneprodukters pris Manglende transparens og forståelse af renter Sammenligne æbler med æbler Endorsement kampagne Offentlig gabestok

10 MFT lande siden 2008 Live Countries Azerbaijan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Cambodia Ecuador India Kenya Malawi Ghana Rwanda Mozambique Tanzania Zambia Uganda Countries currently participating in data collection: Colombia Burkina Faso Peru Senegal Argentina Benin Mali Niger Philippines South Africa Togo



13 SMART kampagnen: Kunden i centrum kundebeskyttelse Branchens eget etiske initiativ (Accion’s Center for Financial Inclusion) MFIer, Brancheforeninger investorer, donorer, netværk, andre involverede Den dobbelte bundlinje 6 etiske principper Selv-evaluering Træningsprogrammer og e- learning

14 De 6 principper Avoidance of over- indebtedness Transparent and Responsible pricing Appropriate collections practices Ethical staff behavior Mechanisms for redress of grievances Privacy of client data


16 En sektor under opbygning

17 Civil society and private sector actors: 1.Public awareness of microfinance (MF) 2.Advocacy for microfinance – policy and funding 3.Capacity building (CB) for MFI support/financing 4.CB for linking micro enterprises/IGA with MF 5.CB for Savings and Credit Associations 6.Innovation, learning and research – Comment based on statistics ………….. Hvilke måder synes du er den mest effektive måde at beskytte kunden indenfor mikrofinans ? 5 min. summen i grupper a 5

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